Next Bootcamp:

Weds, June 27th
6:30 pm

@ Cupcake Royale

  1111 E Pike Street
Capitol Hill


Coming up:


6:30 pm

Alaska Junction



Tenant Rights Bootcamps are a neighborhood-by-neighborhood series teaching renters how to to assert their rights, find solutions to various issues, and make change in their community.

In 2018,  Bootcamps are a partnership between Be:Seattle and the Tenants Union of Washington State.

With Tenant Rights Bootcamps, we are taking resources to the people!


Bootcamps since January 2017


ZIP codes served


Tenants found answers

Tenant action leads to tenant rights.

Tenant Rights Bootcamps are places where tenants can get up to date on new actions and legislation that can increase our rights in Seattle. 

They are also places where tenants can make an immediate impact in the tenant rights movement.

Find a Bootcamp near you!

Support the Capitol Park Tenants Union!

We’ve heard time and time again that our neighbors in Seattle Housing Authorit buildings have been harassed, bullied, intimidated, and singled out by building management.

We’re taking a stand and supporting our friends from the Capitol Park Tenants Union as they demand changes for themselves and their SHA neighbors.

The ary demanding transparency, fair treatment, and better trained building management.

Show the SHA board that you support these neighbors!

Sign the Petition!

Are you an attorney, law student, or tenant counselor?
Use your expertise as a volunteer for Tenant Rights Bootcamps! Be a source of information and empowerment for tenants across Seattle.  Can we count on you?